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Learning to evaluate a diamond's beauty and ultimate value begins with learning the 4c's - Color, Clarity, Cut, and Carat (The 4c's were developed by the Gemological Institute of America and is used throughout the world as a standardized language to objectively compare and evaluate diamonds). Our 4c's pages will help you confidently distinguish and communicate the major characteristics that affect a diamond's appearance and price.

We have also provided a link to GIA, the world's foremost authority on diamonds, which further explains these essential 4c's. A nonprofit institute, The GIA awards the industry's highest professional accreditation, the Graduate Gemologist diploma, and, as the most respected gemological laboratory, they are trusted to evaluate the world's most important diamonds. GIA's high standard of integrity and professionalism through innovation and education is our model in developing long term relationships with our customers.

Lastly, we have included Beyond the Certificate . This section gives you insight into the Aucoin family's peerless process of selecting diamonds of superior beauty and value.

Of course, the greatest diamond education is physically looking at diamonds in person . We invite you to our showroom on Metairie Road where you'll see more diamonds than anywhere else. You will be able to compare shapes, colors, clarities and sizes and be able to see, in person, which of those qualities fit your personal preference and budget. We will show you how to loupe a diamond and look at a diamond the way a gemologist does. Our GIA trained sales associates and numerous Graduate Gemologists, including a former instructor at GIA, are at your service as you begin looking for your perfect diamond.